Useful Software
Neovim (apt) Terminal Text Editor
Config: ~/.vimrc
and ~/.config/nvim/init.vim
- vim-plug Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager.
vim-snippets for snippets, particularly for Latex. Config:
, in particular,~/.local/share/nvim/plugged/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/tex.snippets
COC autocompletion. See
for instructions -
fzf.vim see fzf below. Allows searching from within vim.
vimtex automatic compiling of tex documents
vim-markdown makes opening links from markdown documents easier with gx.
ultisnips used for editing snippets files so that they have syntax highlighting
tabular used to make tables in text
File managing
lf Terminal File Manager
Config: ~/.config/lf/*
bat cat with syntax highlighting for previews. Installed as
but copied to/usr/local/bat
. Config:~/.config/bat/config
(must be generated) -
ueberzug (apt) render images and other previews in lf and fzf
ueberzugpp render images and other previews in lf and fzf. Installed from .deb Note that I have aliased lfi to have images, because it is much slower to load. I have edited the preview file in ~/.config/lf/ (installed from .deb, since not in Bullseye repositories)
ffmpegthumbnailer (apt) to generate thumbnails
elinks (apt) terminal browser for html previews. Config:
for more programs used to generate previews
fzf Command-line Fuzzy Finder (also from apt)
Config: ~/.bashrc
for default settings.
ytfzf Uses ytfzf to find videos on the web and open them using yt-dlp and mpv. Config:
fzfub fzf with image viewing (see ueberzug). Again, slower.
st suckless terminal
Config: source code
tmux Terminal Multiplexer (from apt). Config:
bash (preinstalled) Config:
- libharfbuzz-dev (apt) for ligatures support
st-anygeometry-0.8.1.diff Allows terminal to be any shape (not just multiples of character size)
st-boxdraw_v2-0.8.5.diff Makes box drawing better
st-colorschemes-0.8.5.diff Allows cycling through various colour schemes with Alt+[0-8]
st-csi_22_23-0.8.5.diff This patch adds support for CSI escape sequences 22 and 23, which save and restore window title (for instance nvim does this when opening and closing).
st-font2-0.8.5.diff This patch allows to add spare font besides default
st-ligatures-boxdraw-20210824-0.8.4.diff has ligatures for ->, &c.
st-scrollback-0.8.5.diff Scroll back through terminal output using Shift+{PageUp, PageDown}.
st-w3m-0.8.3.diff Support w3m images hack
Terminal Applications
gotop A terminal based graphical activity monitor
top A terminal based activity monitor. Config:
pulsemixer (apt) TUI for controlling audio devices
arbtt (apt) time tracker. Config:
.- arbtt-graph arbtt visualiser
User interface
dwm modified version of Luke Smith’s build of dwm
No patches on top of his. Config: source code and ~/.dwm/
libx11-dev (apt)
libxft-dev (apt)
libxinerama-dev (apt)
libx11-xcb-dev (apt)
libxcb-res0-dev (apt)
xinit (apt)
To add dwm as an option in graphical login screens, create a file /usr/share/xsessions/dwm.desktop
with the following contents:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Dynamic window manager
or add dwm
to ~/.xinitrc
and edit ~/.bash_profile
to have
if [[ -z $DISPLAY ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/tty1 ]]; then
source ~/.profile
For some of the shortcuts, you need
xdotool (apt)
feh (apt) image viewer for backgrounds
Note: requires fonts.
dwmblocks Write information to status bar in dwm. Config: source code and
herbe Notifications. Config: source code
dmenu application launcher among other things. Config: source code
dmenumount (don’t know where from) dmenu interface for mounting drives. Requires pmount (apt)
clipmenu (see
- libx11-dev (apt)
dmenu-border-5.2 Gives border around on option
-bw 3
dmenu-center-5.2 Gives option for dmenu to be in middle screen
dmenu-gruvbox Makes dmenu fit gruvbox colour scheme.
Graphical Programs
mpv (apt) video and audio player. See
for various shorthands for playing web videos in the terminal. Config:~/.config/mpv/mpv.conf
sxiv (apt) image viewer. Config:
zathura (apt) pdf viewer. Config:
Blender for 3d modelling and viewing. Config:
Xournal++ (apt) handwritten notes. Config:
Brave (see following instructions) web browser.
sudo apt install curl
sudo curl -fsSLo /usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/brave-browser-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main"|sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/brave-browser-release.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install brave-browser
newsboat (apt) another terminal RSS feed aggregator. Config:
pass (apt) password manager
passmenu dmenu interface for pass
pass-otp (apt) generate one-time passwords from QR code contents
mpd (apt) music player. Config:
network-manager-applet (apt) called network-manager-gnome to install. Connect to WPA2-enterprise networks. Requires stalone (apt)
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If you have questions, you can email me at jeremy.w.cains at View page source here.