Scholastic List of Definitions for Philosophical Terms

A Scholastic List of Definitions for Philosophical Terms

In Latin In English
Habitus Intellectivi Intellective Habits
1 Intellectus = habitus primorum principiorum speculativorum Understanding = the habit of the first speculative principles.
2 Sapientia = cognitio rerum omnium per altissimas causas Wisdom = knowledge of all things by the highest causes.
3 Scientia = cognitio certa per causas Science = certain knowledge through causes.
4 Ars = recta ratio factibilium Art = the right reason of things to be made.
5 Prudentia = recta ratio agibilium Prudence = the right reason of things to be done (operations).
6 Theologia = scientia de Deo ex Revelatione procedens Theology = science of God proceeding from Revelation.
7 Philosophia = scientia rerum omnium per causas altissimas, naturali ratione comparata Philosophy = science of all things through the highest causes, obtained by natural reason.
8 Metaphysica = scientia entis inquantum entis Metaphysics = science of being in so far as being.
9 Criteriologia = pars metaphisicae defensiva principiorum cognitionis humanae Criteriology = part of metaphysics which defends the principles of human knowledge.
10 Synderesis = habitus primorum principiorum practicorum Synderesis = habit of the first practical principles.
Actus Intellettivi Intellective Actions
In generali: In general:
11 Cognoscere = Habere intentionaliter in se formam (sicut) alterius rei To have knowledge = to have intentionally in oneself a form as the form of another.
12   (seu) = aliud fieri inquantum aliud   (or) = to become another insofar as other.
13 Intelligere = cognoscere rerum essentias To understand = to know the essences of things.
14 Scire = cognoscere causam propter quam res est, quod huius causa est, et non potest aliter se habere To know = to grasp the cause telling why the thing is, the fact that it is the cause of it, and that it cannot be otherwise (the thing cannot have another cause).
15 Sentire = cognoscere rerum materialium qualitates patibiles To sense = to know the passible qualities of material things.
16 Veritas = adequatio rei et intellectus Truth = conformity of thing and intellect.
17 Veritas logica = adequatio intellectus ad rem Logical truth = conformity of intellect to thing.
18 Veritas ontologica = adequatio rei ad intellectum Ontological truth = conformity of thing to intellect.
19 Intentio prima = actus quo mens in ens reale tendit First intention = the act by which the mind tends to a real being.
20 Intentio secunda = actus quo mens in ens rationis tendit Second intention = the act by which the mind tends to a being of reason.
21 Intentio formalis = ipse actus mentis tendentis in aliquid Formal intention = the act itself of the mind tending towards something.
22 Intentio objectiva = obiectum in quo mens tendit Objective intention = the object towards which the mind tends.
Prima Operatio Intellectus First Operation of the Intellect
23 Simplex apprehensio = operatio qua intellectus aliquam quidditatem intelligit, quin quidquam de ea affirmet Simple apprehension = the operation by which the intellect understands some quiddity without affirming anything about it.
24 Abstractio = operatio intellectus agentis qua ex pluribus in re coniunctis unum sine altero considerat Abstraction = this operation of the agent intellect which considers one thing without another out of several united in reality.
25 Ens rationis = ens quod habet esse obiective in intellectu tantum Being of reason = being which has objective being in the intellect alone.
26 Negatio = ens rationis quo non ens ad modum entis concipitur Negation = being of reason by which non‑being is conceived as a being (Gredt 110; negation = genus of the being of reason).
27 Conceptus = simplex intellectualis repraesentatio quidditatis alicuius rei Concept = simple intellectual representation of the quiddity of something.
28 Notio = Propria ratio qua res menti innotescit Notion = proper reason by which the thing is made known to the mind.
29 Analogia = habitudo diversorum inter se vi cuius eodem nomine designantur Analogy = the mutual relation of diverse things by which they are designated by the same name.
30 Analogia attributionis = habitudo unius vel plurium ad aliquod unum vi cuius nomen quod huic convenit in sensu proprio et stricto de illo vel illis dicitur Analogy of attribution = the relation of one or several things to some one thing by which the name applies properly and strictly to the latter is said also of the former(s).
31 Analogia proportionalitatis = aequalitas duarum proportionum inter se Analogy of proportion = the mutual equality of two proportions.
32 Notae conceptus = elementa vel aspectus intelligibiles huius conceptus quos mens in eo discernit et qui ad eum pertinent necessarie The notes of a concept = the intelligible elements or aspects of this concept which the mind discerns and which belong to it necessarily.
33 Terminus (oralis) = vox significativa ad placitum Term (oral) = arbitrary vocal sign.
34 Universale = unum aptum inesse pluribus Universal = one apt to be inherent in many.
35 Universale in essendo = una natura in multis Universal in being = one nature in many.
36 Universale in praedicando = una natura de multis Universal as predicable = one nature said of many.
37 Praedicabile = modus universalitatis quo unum pluribus inesse potest et de ipsis praedicari Predicable = the mode of universality by which one thing can be in many and be predicated of them.
38 Genus = universale respiciens inferiora specie distincta, IN QUID INCOMPLETE Genus = the universal in regards to its inferiors specifically distinct with incomplete quiddity.
39 Species = universale respiciens inferiora numero distincta, IN QUID COMPLETE Species = the universal in regards to its inferiors numerically distinct, with complete quiddity.
40 Differentia specifica = universale respiciens inferiora, IN QUALE QUID Specific difference = the universal in regards to its inferiors, as qualifying the quiddity.
41 Proprium = universale respiciens inferiora, in quale accidentaliter et necessarie Proper = the universal in regards to its inferiors, as qualifying accidentally and necessarily.
42 Accidens = universale respiciens inferiora, in quale accidentaliter et contingenter Accident = the universal in regards to its inferiors, as qualifying accidentally and contingently.
43 Suppositio = termini pro re aliqua significanda usurpatio Supposition = the use of the term to signify something.
Secunda Operatio Intellectus Second Operation of the Intellect
44 Iudicium = actus intellectus quo componit vel dividit affirmando vel negando Judgment = the act of the intellect which composes or divides by affirming or denying.
45 Assensus = actus quo intellectus inhaeret iudicio formato Assent = the act by which the intellect adheres to a given judgment.
46 Oratio = sequentia terminorum Oration (phrase) = sequence of terms.
47 Propositio = oratio quae aliquid de aliquo affirmat vel negat Proposition = a phrase which affirms or denies something about something.
48 Divisio = oratio rem vel nomen per suas partes distribuens Division = a sentence which separates a thing or a noun into different parts.
49 Definitio = oratio naturam rei aut termini significationem exponens Definition = the sequence which exposes the nature of a thing or the signification of a term.
50 Primum principium = propositio per se nota omnibus First principle = a proposition known to all necessarily (per se).
51 Conscientia moralis = iudicium rationis practicae circa moralitatem actionum Moral conscience = the judgment of the practical reason concerning the morality of the acts.
Tertia Operatio Intellectus Third Operations of the Intellect
52 Ratiocinium = actus mentis quo convenientia vel repuqnantia duarum idearum infertur ex proportione quam habent cum una tertia notione Reasoning = the act of the mind by which the convenience or disconvenience of two ideas is inferred by the proportion (conformity / difformity) which they have to a third notion.
53 Argumentum = oratio significans sequelam unius ex alio Argument = a phrase which signifies the passage of one thing from another.
54 Syllogismus = ratiocinium quo, duabus propositionibus positis, alia infertur necessarie ex ipsa positione antecedentium Syllogism = reasoning by which, out of two proportions, another is necessarily inferred from the affirmation of the premises.
55 Inductio = a singularibus sufficienter enumeratis, ad universale progressio Induction = progression towards a universal statement from singulars sufficiently enumerated.
56 Demonstratio = syllogismus faciens scire Demonstration = a syllogism which makes something known.
57   = syllogismus constans ex veris, primis, immediatis, prioribus, notioribus causisque conclusionis   = a syllogism based on the true, first, immediate, proper and more known causes of the conclusion.
Transcendentalia Transcendentals
58 Transcendentale = universalis modus entis inquantum entis Transcendental‑ a universal mode of being insofar as being.
59 Ens = id cuius actus est esse Being = that whose act is to be.
60   = id quod habet esse   = that which has being.
61   = id quod exercet actum essendi   = that which exercises the act of being.
62 Res = synonymum entis dicens potius eius essentiam Thing = a synonym of being saying rather its essence.
63 Unum = ens indivisum One = undivided being.
64 Aliquid = ens divisum ab aliis et a non ente Something = being divided from others and non‑being.
65 Verum = ens relate ad intellectum True = being in relation to the intellect.
66 Bonum = ens relate ad appetitum Good = being in relation to the will.
67 Pulchrum = id quod apprehensum placet Beautiful = what pleases when apprehended.
Actus – Potentia Act ‑ Potency
68 Esse = id quo ens est, vel exsistit To be = that by which the being is, or exists.
69 Exsistere = poni extra causas et extra nihil To exist = to be placed outside of its causes and out of nothing.
70 Consistere = ex componentibus componi To consist = to be composed out of components.
71 Actus = entitas perficiens et determinans rem in suo ordine Act = an entity which perfects and determines a thing according to its nature.
72 Perfectio = (late) actualitas quaecumque Perfection = (broad sense) any act/entity
73   = (stricte) plenitudo entis cui nullus deficit actus ad eius plenam actualitatem requisitus   = (strict sense) the plenitude of a being which is lacking no act necessary to its full actuation.
74 Potentia = entitas imperfecta capax perfectionis Potency = imperfect entity capable of perfection.
75 Privatio = carentia perfectionis in subiecto apto Privation = lack of perfection in a disposed subject.
76 Malum = privatio boni debiti Evil = privation of a due good.
77 Potentia obedientialis = elevabilitas naturae ad actum excedentem omnes naturales vires Obediential potency = the elevability of nature to an act exceeding all its natural powers.
78 Motus = actus entis in potentia quatenus in potentia Movement = the act of a being in potency insofar as it is in potency.
79 Necessarium = id quod non potest non esse Necessary = that which cannot not be.
80 Contingens = id quod potest non esse Contingent = that which can be not.
Praedicamenta Predicaments
81 Praedicamentum = genus supremum entis Predicament = the supreme genus of being.
82 Substantia = id cui competit esse in se et non in alia sicut in subiecto Substance = that to which it belongs to be in itself and not in another as in a subject.
83 Subsistere = esse in se et non in alio sicut in subiecto To subsist = to be in itself and not in another as in a subject.
84 Individuum = indivisum in se et divisum a quolibet alio Individual = a thing undivided in itself and divided from everything else.
85 Suppositum = substantia individua completa in ratione speciei Supposit = an individuated substance complete in its species.
86 Subsistentia = modus naturalis positivus terminans naturam in linea essentiae Subsistence = a positive and natural mode terminating the nature in the line of essence.
87 Persona = suppositum naturae rationalis Person = the supposit of a rational nature.
88 Personalitas = subsistentia personae Personality = the subsistence of a person.
89 Materia = id ex quo aliquid fit Matter = that out of which something becomes.
90 Materia prima = subiectum primum ex quo, cum insit, fit aliquid et non per accidens Prime matter = the first subject out of which, something while in it, becomes but not by accident.
91 Forma = elementum determinativum cuiuscumque essentiae Form = the determinative element of every essence.
92 Essentia = id quo ens est id quod est Essence = that by which a being is what it is.
93 Natura = principium et causa motus et quietis eius in quo est per se et non secundum accidens Nature = the principle and cause of motion and rest of a thing in which it is necessarily and not accidentally.
94 Species = forma determinans complete essentiam rei Species = the form determining completely the essence of a thing.
95 Quidditas = synonymum essentiae, quo respondetur quaestioni super rem "quid est ?’ Quiddity = a synonym of essences by which one answers the question about a thing, "what is it?"
96 Anima = actus primus corporis in potentia viventis Soul = the first act of a body living in potency.
97 Vita = sui‑motio Life = self motion.
98 Accidens = id cui competit esse in alio et non in se sicut in subiecto inhaesionis Accident = that to which it belongs to be in another an not in itself as in a subject.
99 Qualitas = accidens determinativum seu modificativum substantiae in seipsa Quality = accident determining or modifying the substance in itself.
100 Habitus = qualitas stabilis disponens subiectum ad bene vel male esse sive operari Habit = stable quality disposing the subject to be or act well or bad.
101 Dispositio = qualitas facile mobilis disponens subiectum ad bene vel male esse sive operari Disposition = quality easily mobile disposing the subject to be or act well or bad.
102 Potentia (operativa) = principium proximum agendi simpliciter et absolute Operative potency = proximate principle of acting simply and absolutely.
103 Patibilis qualitas = accidens diu permanens sensibilem alterationem causans vel ab alteratione sensibili causatum Passible quality = a lasting accident causing a sensible alteration or caused by a sensible alteration.
104 Forma vel Figura = qualitas seu modus in corpore ex terminatione quantitatis Form/figure = quality or mode in the body produced by the completion of quantity.
105 Intellectus = potentia cognoscitiva essentiarum rerum Intellect = the power of knowing the essences of things.
106 Appetitus inclinatio sequens formam Appetite = the inclination seeking/following a form.
107 Voluntas = appetitus intellectivus Will = intellective appetite.
108 Beatitudo = bonum perfectum intellectualis naturae Beatitude = perfect good of the intellective nature.
109 Quantitas = accidens extensivum substantiae in partes Quantity = the accident which extends the substance into different parts.
110 Relatio = accidens cuius totum inesse est ad aliud se habere Relation = the accident whose whole being is to be ordered to another.
111 Actio = motus potentiae operativae ut a potentia procedens Action = the movement of the operative power insofar as it proceeds from the power.
112 Passio = accidens per quod subiectum constituitur actu recipiens effectum ab agente Passion = the accident by which the subject becomes the receiver in act of the effect of the agent.
113 Ubi = id ratione cuius res in loco constituitur Where = that by which a thing is constituted in a place.
114 Locus = corporis ambientis terminus primus immobilis Place = first immobile extremity of the surface of a body.
115 Situs = accidens disponens rem locatam in ordine ad locum; ordo partium in loco Position = accident disposing the thing localized in relation to the place; the order of the parts in the place.
116 Quando = accidens in re durante, ex adiacentione temporis a quo rei illius duratio mensuratus est When = accident of a thing which has some duration, which is measured by addition of time.
Tempus = numerus motus secundum prius et posterius Time = measure of the movement according to before and after.
118 Habitus = illa affectio quae in subiecto ex vestimento resultat Habit = that particular addition to the subject which results from a garment.
Relationes – Comparationes Relations ‑ Comparisons
119 Relatio = ordo unius ad aliud Relation = the order of one thing to another.
120 Relatio transcendentalis = ordo entis absoluti per se ordinati Transcendental relation = the order of an absolute being ordered necessarily (per se).
121 Signum = id quod praeter speciem quam ingerit sensibus facit aliquid aliud in cognitionem devenire Sign = that which, besides the species produced in the senses, reveals the knowledge of something else.
122 Principium = id a quo aliquid procedit quocumque modo Principle = that from which something proceeds in any way.
123 Causa = omne quod influit esse rei Cause = whatever influences the being of a thing.
124 Causa efficiens = id quod actione sua rem producit in esse Efficient cause = that which by its action produces the thing in existence.
125 Causa finalis = id propter quod aliquid fit Final cause = that for the sake of which something becomes.
126 Distincta = ea quorum unum non est aliud Distinct things = those things, one of which is not the other.
127 Diversa = ea quae nullam convenientiam habent, et seipsis differunt Diverse things = those things which have nothing in common, and differ among themselves.
128 Differentia = ea quae aliquam convenientiam habent et per aliquid superadditum differunt Different things = those things which have something in common, and differ by some addition.
129 Oppositio = habitudo plurium inter se vi cuius eidem sub eodem aspectu simul convenire nequeunt Opposition = relation between several things by which they cannot agree in the same thing under the same aspect simultaneously.
130 Oppositio contradictoria = oppositio inter rem eiusque negationem Contradictory opposition = the opposition between a thing and its negation.
131 Oppositio privativa = oppositio inter rem eiusque privationem Privative opposition = the opposition between a thing and its privation.
132 Oppositio contratia = oppositio inter ea quae in eodem genere maxime distant Contrary opposition = the opposition between those things which are most distant in the same genus.
133 Oppositio relativa = oppositio inter ea quae ordinem sive respectum ad invicem dicunt Relative opposition = the opposition between those thing which are ordained or have respect to each other.
134 Aeternitas = interminabilis vitae tota simul et perfecta possessio Eternity = wholesome, simultaneous, and perfect possession of the interminable life.
135 Creatio = productio ex nihilo et subjecti Creation = production from nothing of its own or of the subjects.

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